Building on the Wolfram Language's integrated symbolic architecture, it becomes easy to introduce powerful dynamic behavior into any aspect of visualization. Single Wolfram Language symbolic functions are all it takes to set up full interactive parameter explorations, animations, dynamic annotation, or drill-down information viewers.

Manipulate dynamically manipulate parameters in graphics

Animate animate as a function of one or more parameters

ListAnimate animate a list of graphics or other objects

Highlighted statically or dynamically highlight specific elements in visualization

PlotHighlighting set global highlighting effects for visualizations

TabView make any list of objects be selectable with tabs

SlideView view any list of objects as a sequence of slides

FlipView flip between displaying two or more objects

MenuView  ▪  OpenerView  ▪  PopupView

Tooltip attach any tooltip to any object

Mouseover specify what to show when the mouse is over an object

StatusArea put a string in the window status area

Annotation attach a general annotation to an object

PopupWindow attach a popup window to any object

Button  ▪  Speak  ▪  EmitSound

Locator an object to move around in a graphic

Slider  ▪  Slider2D  ▪  ColorSlider  ▪  LocatorPane  ▪  ClickPane  ▪  ControllerState

AngularGauge  ▪  VerticalGauge  ▪  HorizontalGauge

ControlActive specify "preview" settings when controls are active