Analog Filter Design
Analog Filter Transfer Functions | Output Response |
Poles and Zeros of Analog Filters | Different Types of Analog Filters |
Frequency Response of Analog Filters |
BiquadraticFilterModel | biquadratic filter model |
ButterworthFilterModel | Butterworth filter model |
Chebyshev1FilterModel | Chebyshev type 1 filter model |
Chebyshev2FilterModel | Chebyshev type 2 filter model |
EllipticFilterModel | elliptic filter model |
BesselFilterModel | Bessel filter model |
Each one of the classic filters is defined by a particular choice of the function
, where
defines the order of the filter.

is the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of order
is the Chebyshev rational function.
The Bessel filter is another popular analog filter with a formulation in terms of rational polynomials.

TransferFunctionModel | transfer function of the analog filter |
TransferFunctionExpand | expanded transfer function |
TransferFunctionFactor | factored transfer function |
TransferFunctionPoles | extract poles of analog filters |
TransferFunctionZeros | extract zeros of analog filters |
Create Filters of Different Types
Create a lowpass Butterworth filter with edge frequencies at 500Hz and 1000Hz and attenuations of 1dB and 20dB for passband and stopband, respectively:
Create a highpass Butterworth filter with edge frequencies at 500Hz and 1000Hz and attenuations of 1dB and 20dB for passband and stopband, respectively:
Create a bandpass Butterworth filter with edge frequencies at 500Hz and 1000Hz and attenuations of 1dB and 20dB for passband and stopband, respectively:
Create a bandstop Butterworth filter with edge frequencies at 500Hz and 1500Hz and attenuations of 1dB and 20dB for passband and stopband, respectively:
Convert between Filter Types
TransferFunctionTransform | transform a transfer function |