gives the symbolic Fourier sine transform of expr.
gives the multidimensional Fourier sine transform of expr.
Details and Options

- The Fourier sine transform is a particular way of viewing the Fourier transform without the need for complex numbers or negative frequencies.
- Joseph Fourier designed his famous transform using this and the Fourier cosine transform, and they are still used in applications like signal processing, statistics and image and video compression.
- The Fourier sine transform of the time domain function
is the frequency domain function
- The Fourier sine transform of a function
is by default defined to be
- The multidimensional Fourier sine transform of a function
is by default defined to be
or when using vector notation,
- Different choices of definitions can be specified using the option FourierParameters.
- The integral is computed using numerical methods if the third argument,
, is given a numerical value.
- The asymptotic Fourier sine transform can be computed using Asymptotic.
- There are several related Fourier transformations:
FourierTransform infinite continuous-time functions (FT) FourierSequenceTransform infinite discrete-time functions (DTFT) FourierCoefficient finite continuous-time functions (FS) Fourier finite discrete-time functions (DFT) - The Fourier sine transform is an automorphism in the Schwartz vector space of functions whose derivatives are rapidly decreasing and thus induces an automorphism in its dual: the space of tempered distributions. These include absolutely integrable functions, well-behaved functions of polynomial growth and compactly supported distributions.
- Hence, FourierSinTransform not only works with absolutely integrable functions on
, but it can also handle a variety of tempered distributions such as DiracDelta to enlarge the pool of functions or generalized functions it can effectively transform.
- The following options can be given:
AccuracyGoal Automatic digits of absolute accuracy sought Assumptions $Assumptions assumptions to make about parameters FourierParameters {0,1} parameters to define the Fourier sine transform GenerateConditions False whether to generate answers that involve conditions on parameters PerformanceGoal $PerformanceGoal aspects of performance to optimize PrecisionGoal Automatic digits of precision sought WorkingPrecision Automatic the precision used in internal computations - Common settings for FourierParameters include:
{0,1} {1,1} {-1,1} {0,2Pi} {a,b}

open allclose allBasic Examples (6)
Compute the Fourier sine transform of a function:
Plot the function and its Fourier sine transform:
Fourier sine transform of an exponential function:
For a different convention, change the parameters:
Fourier sine transform of the reciprocal of a square root:
Compute the Fourier sine transform of a multivariate function:
Scope (37)
Basic Uses (3)
Algebraic Functions (3)
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (3)
Trigonometric Functions (3)
Special Functions (8)
Fourier sine transforms of expressions involving the Sinc function:
Fourier sine transform of ExpIntegralEi:
Transform of Erf:
Transform of Erfc:
Expression involving the SinIntegral:
Sine transforms for BesselJ functions:
Sine transforms for BesselY functions:
Piecewise Functions and Distributions (4)
Fourier sine transform of a piecewise function:
Restriction of a sine function to a half-period:
Transforms in terms of FresnelS:
Periodic Functions (2)
Generalized Functions (4)
Fourier sine transforms of expressions involving HeavisideTheta:
Fourier sine transforms involving DiracDelta:
Fourier sine transform involving HeavisideLambda:
Fourier sine transform involving HeavisidePi:
Multivariate Functions (2)
Fourier sine transform of an exponential functions in two variables:
Fourier sine transform of product of exponential and SquareWave:
Formal Properties (3)
Options (8)
AccuracyGoal (1)
The option AccuracyGoal sets the number of digits of accuracy:
Assumptions (1)
Fourier sine transform of BesselJ is a piecewise function:
FourierParameters (3)
Fourier sine transform for the unit box function with different parameters:
Use a nondefault setting for a different definition of the transform:
To get the inverse, use the same FourierParameters setting:
Set up your particular global choice of parameters once per session:
GenerateConditions (1)
Use GenerateConditions True to get the parameter conditions necessary for the result to be valid:
PrecisionGoal (1)
The option PrecisionGoal sets the relative tolerance in the integration:
WorkingPrecision (1)
If a WorkingPrecision is specified, the computation is done at that working precision:
Applications (4)
Ordinary Differential Equations (1)
Consider the following ODE with initial condition :
Apply the Fourier sine transform to the ODE:
Find the inverse Fourier sine transform with and
Compare with DSolveValue:
Partial Differential Equations (1)
Solve the infinite diffusion problem for ,
with initial condition
and boundary condition
Fourier sine transform with respect to :
Compute the inverse sine transform:
Compare with DSolveValue:
Evaluation of Integrals (2)
Calculate the following definite integral for :
Compute the Fourier sine transform of an exponential function:
Apply the Fourier sine inversion formula:
Solve for the definite integral:
Compare with Integrate:
Calculate the following definite integral for :
Compute the Fourier sine transform of an exponential function:
Solve for the definite integral:
Compare with Integrate:
Properties & Relations (4)
By default, the Fourier sine transform of is:
For , the definite integral becomes:
Compare with FourierSinTransform:
Use Asymptotic to compute an asymptotic approximation:
FourierSinTransform and InverseFourierSinTransform are mutual inverses:
Results from FourierSinTransform and FourierTransform differ by a factor of for odd functions:
Possible Issues (1)
The result from an inverse Fourier sine transform may not have the same form as the original:
The Fourier sine transform may be given in terms of generalized functions such as DiracDelta:
Neat Examples (2)
The Fourier sine transform represented in terms of MeijerG:
Wolfram Research (1999), FourierSinTransform, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2025).
Wolfram Language. 1999. "FourierSinTransform." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2025.
Wolfram Language. (1999). FourierSinTransform. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from