

plots a curve through the 3D points {xi,yi,zi}.


plots each row {zi1,zi2,,zin} as a curve in the direction, with successive curves stacked in the direction.


plots curves through multiple sets of {x,y,z} points.

Details and Options


open allclose all

Basic Examples  (5)

Plot a path through a set of points:

Fill the area under the curve:

Plot multiple filled paths at successive locations along the axis:

Plot multiple filled paths at successive locations along the axis:

Plot multiple curves through space:

Scope  (35)

General Data  (7)

For regular data consisting of values, the and data ranges are taken to be integer values:

Provide explicit and data ranges by using DataRange:

For irregular data consisting of triples, the and data ranges are inferred from the data:

Plot multiple sets of irregular data:

Areas around where the data is nonreal are excluded:

PlotRange is selected automatically:

Use PlotRange to focus in on areas of interest:

Use RegionFunction to restrict lines to a region given by inequalities:

Special Data  (6)

Use Quantity to include units with the data:

Plot data in a QuantityArray:

Specify the units used with TargetUnits:

Plot data with uncertainty:

Plot data from time series with automatic date ticks:

Specify strings to use as labels:

Plot data in a SparseArray:

Data Wrappers  (6)

Use a wrapper to style a specific curve:

Apply a style to all the curves:

Use the value of each point as a tooltip:

Use a specific label for all the points:

Label points with automatically positioned text:

Use PopupWindow to provide additional drilldown information:

Button can be used to trigger any action:

Labeling and Legending  (6)

Label points with automatically positioned text:

Specify that labels should be above or below the curve:

Specify label names with LabelingFunction:

Include legends for each point collection:

Specify the maximum size of labels:

Use the full label:

For dense sets of points, some labels may be turned into tooltips by default:

Presentation  (10)

Provide an explicit PlotStyle for the lines:

Provide separate styles for different sets:

Add labels:

Color lines by height:

Provide an interactive Tooltip for the whole plot:

Fill below the points:

Use a theme with simple ticks in a bright color scheme:

Use a highly styled theme:

Use a logarithmic scale on the axis:

Specify scaling functions for each axis:

Options  (68)

Axes  (3)

By default, axes are drawn:

Use AxesFalse to turn off axes:

Turn each axis on individually:

AxesLabel  (4)

No axes labels are drawn by default:

Place a label on the axis:

Specify axes labels:

Use units as labels:

AxesStyle  (4)

Change the style for the axes:

Specify the style of each axis:

Use different styles for the ticks and the axes:

Use different styles for the labels and the axes:

BoxRatios  (2)

Automatic uses the natural scale from PlotRange:

Use BoxRatios to emphasize some particular feature, in this case, a saddle surface:

ColorFunction  (7)

Use a named gradient from ColorData to color curves by their height:

Color curves by scaled values:

Color curves by scaled values:

Color curves by scaled values:

Colors from ColorFunction are used with the filled regions as well as the curve:

Colors from ColorFunction have higher priority than from PlotStyle:

Colors from ColorFunction combine with non-color styles from PlotStyle:

ColorFunctionScaling  (2)

Use unscaled coordinates:

Unscaled coordinates are dependent on DataRange:

DataRange  (4)

Arrays of height values are displayed against the number of elements in each direction:

Rescale to the sampling space:

Triples are interpreted as , , coordinates:

Force interpretation as arrays of height values:

The dataset is normally interpreted as a list of , , triples:

Filling  (3)

Fill to the bottom, using "stems":

Filling occurs along the region cut by the RegionFunction:

Fill surface 1 to the bottom with blue and surface 2 to the top with red:

FillingStyle  (2)

Fill to the bottom with a variety of styles:

Fill to the plane from above only:

ImageSize  (7)

Use named sizes such as Tiny, Small, Medium and Large:

Specify the width of the plot:

Specify the height of the plot:

Allow the width and height to be up to a certain size:

Specify the width and height for a graphic, padding with space if necessary:

Use maximum sizes for the width and height:

Use ImageSizeFull to fill the available space in an object:

Specify the image size as a fraction of the available space:

IntervalMarkers  (2)

Interval markers are bars by default:

Use named IntervalMarkers:

IntervalMarkersStyle  (2)

Interval markers are black by default:

Specify the style for the bars:

Joined  (3)

Datasets are joined by default:

Join the first dataset with a line, but use points for the second dataset:

Join the dataset with a line and show the original points:

PlotLegends  (5)

No legend is used by default:

Generate a legend using labels:

Generate a legend using placeholders:

Use Placed to specify legend placement:

Build a custom legend with BarLegend:

PlotMarkers  (4)

ListLinePlot normally shows just the curves:

Include the data points in the plot:

Change the size of the default plot markers:

Use spheres as markers:

Specify how large the spheres should be:

PlotRange  (3)

Automatically compute the range:

Use all points to compute the range:

Use an explicit range to emphasize features:

PlotStyle  (1)

Plot two point sets with different styles:

PlotTheme  (2)

Use a theme with simple ticks in a bold color scheme:

Change the color for the curves:

RegionBoundaryStyle  (3)

Show the region being plotted:

Use None to not draw the region:

Use a custom RegionBoundaryStyle:

ScalingFunctions  (5)

By default, plots have linear scales in each direction:

Use a log scale in the direction:

Use a linear scale in the direction that shows smaller numbers at the top:

Use different scales in the , and directions:

Use a scale defined by a function and its inverse:

Applications  (6)

Random Walks  (3)

Visualize a random walk in 3D:

View multiple random walks:

Visualize a random walk on a lattice:

View multiple random walks:

Make a random walk where successive steps change direction by between 0° and 20° in any Euler angle:

Plot multiple walks:

Optimization Paths  (1)

Show the steps used by an optimization method to arrive at a minimum:

Use StepMonitor to follow the progress of FindMinimum from different starting points:

Plot the sequences of steps on the actual surface:

Time Series  (1)

Plot the performance of several companies as separate curves:

Spatial Data  (1)

Find the position of the International Space Station for the next few hours:

Show the path around a simple model of the Earth:

Properties & Relations  (12)

Use ListPlot and ListLinePlot to plot heights in 2D:

Plot points:

Use ListPointPlot3D to show three-dimensional data plots:

Use ListPlot3D to create surfaces from data:

Use Plot3D to visualize functions:

Use ParametricPlot3D to plot a curve from functions:

Use ListLogPlot, ListLogLogPlot and ListLogLinearPlot for logarithmic data plots:

Use ListPolarPlot for polar plots:

Use DateListPlot to show data over time:

Use ListContourPlot to create contours from continuous data:

Use ListDensityPlot to create densities from continuous data:

Use ArrayPlot and MatrixPlot for arrays of discrete values:

Use ParametricPlot for parametric curves:

Wolfram Research (2021), ListLinePlot3D, Wolfram Language function,


Wolfram Research (2021), ListLinePlot3D, Wolfram Language function,


Wolfram Language. 2021. "ListLinePlot3D." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research.


Wolfram Language. (2021). ListLinePlot3D. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_listlineplot3d, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ListLinePlot3D}", year="2021", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_listlineplot3d, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ListLinePlot3D}, year={2021}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}